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Severe Weather Response Plan

Hurricane - Earthquake

The response to an earthquake is a reactive one, thus no warning is given. Take cover in doorways or under heavy, well-supported machinery.

After the earthquake subsides, evacuate the building as quickly as possible. If any damage has occurred to the facility, the Property Manager shall notify the proper authorities and the corporate office. The Property Manager will prepare to receive information about damage to the property and or trapped or missing persons.

The Property Manager shall forward all pertinent information to all tenants, upper management personnel or other agencies upon their arrival.

Regional Flood

Upon notification of impending flooding and where immediate danger poses a threat to our facility, the following procedure shall be followed:

  1. When flooding seems possible a management official will monitor the situation and notify employees/tenants of the potential. If the property manager is not on site, each tenant office manager will make the decision to implement emergency procedures.
  2. Management will request senior tenant supervisors to help keep their employees calm but to prepare for possible shutdown and evacuation.
  3. After the weather has passed, the property manager will announce that the weather has cleared the area.
  4. The property manager will prepare to receive information about property damage and/or injured employees/tenants/visitors to the property. All information will be passed to outside agencies requested to respond upon their arrival.


Tornados often accompany severe thunderstorms and are only one of many severe weather hazards. Others include lightning, strong winds, rain and hail.

Please be aware of the distinction between:

Tornado Watch - Tornados and severe weather are possible

Tornado Warning - Tornado(s) have been detected; TAKE SHELTER IMMEDIATELY

In the event that a tornado is sighted in the area and a local area siren is heard or a weather announcement is sounded through the public broadcasting systems:

  1. Close all doors and windows
  2. Go to interior small rooms or hallways and face the wall
  3. Stay away from windows, doors, and exterior building walls
  4. Protect your head
  5. Remain in hallways or interior areas until the weather has passed